Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wedensday 14.10.2009

So long nv update blog
I'm back here to update
Ytd meet Ting Ru
At City Hall
Reach there
When to eat lunch
Finish lunch
Went to ballroom 1 & 2
For some interview
Interview is fine
Luck interview me is a lady
She very friendly and nice
I so luck ytd
Around 4.30pm
We finish interview
Went over to Singapore Flyer
To have popeyes
Popeyes nice to eat
I want to go and eat again
Finish eat we went to buy ticket
To take Singapore Flyer
Only 30 min
Around 6pm
Ting Ru and Me have to leave the place
Cos each one have some on
So I walk to MRT
And Ting Ru take Bus
I take train down to CCK
To meet Yvonne and Yoke Lian
Help Yoke Lian to celebration birthday
Photo have update in my facebook
Can take a look if you want

PS: Ting Ru I want to go eat papeyes again...Hehe!!
Thank for the flyer.

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