Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday 21.11.2009

This morning wake up by the band
So early start to play
Make so much noise
Cannot sleep
So wake up on computer
Than bro also wake up
By the band noise
So bro and me decided to go eat breakfast
Went to eat mcd
Than brought some thing home for lunch
Around 1.30pm
Went to take MRT to bugis
To meet Limei
But Limei was late
So I when to book shop
To read some book
And on the same time wait for LiMei to come
Finally she come
So she come over to book shop find me
Went to have lunch
Finish lunch
Went to bugis street
I buy something
Finish shopping
Went to have dinner
And have a nice chat we Limei today
This few days have been busy working
And I very tired
Not enough sleep
I super tired

P.S Limei thank for the present and the treat

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