Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wedensday 4.11.2009

Long time nv update blog
Lazy to update
And nothing much for me to update
I'm back here to update blog
Cos Someone ask me to update
So I'm here to update it now
Pass few days every day work
First day work is ok
Nothing much happen
Second day start to have something happen
Coming out slowly slowly
I actually work afternoon
Than last min she call me
To work morning
So last min loh
From my house to work place sure will late
So When I was on the way
I feel like going to be late
So I message her
I will be late
And you know what
She reply me
If I know you will late I will go down by herself
When I saw this
In my mind was think
she can make it to work
And for what still ask me to work morning for her
Than nvm she say
Later someone will come down
Again last min
The someone which I dunno who
Message her say
She cannot make it
Ask me to work for her full shift
Actually I got something on
Cos of her I have to cancel everything
What the hell loh
3rd day of work
Work morning
Have to open shop by myself
Around 3 something
Jenny come
I enjoy working we her
She teach I understand everything
But like other 2 ppl
Teach herself izzit
I dunno what are you talk about loh
I want to thank Jenny for teaching me everything that day
Thank you very much
I enjoy working we you!!
4th day work
I very angry
Last min call me to work morning
I was think work morning
Can went off at 7pm
So I say ok
Work half way
She message me
Ask me can I work full
I say cannot got something on
The rest I lazy to say
This work all the ppl is so selfish
Just to know think of themselves
Nv think of other ppl feeling
Cos of you and I fall sick
Suck company man
Fast close shop la
Nobody will buy from you all la
I still feel unwell
Vomit vomit
Feel like going to die soon

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